25 TEDx events in Stockholm next week

Teo Härén, one of the organizers of TEDxStockholm has written an interesting blog post at the TEDblog about the TEDxStockholm week. TEDxStockholm had the idea that instead of organizing one big TEDx event they wanted to encourage people to organize their own event in order to reach even more people and really spread the ideas throughout the communities.

Henrik Ahlén who together with Teo Härén has taken this initiative has also written about the TEDx week in Stockholm next week and listed all the 25 events that will take place. Henrik Ahlén has quoted Lara Stein, head of TEDx at TED.COM:

“With the launch of TEDx week in Stockholm, Sweden is the first community to truly embraces the vision of TEDx as an open source platform and further the vision of TEDx as whole new approach to global education made possible by the web. We are truly excited to see where this experiment goes.”

And he finish his blog post like this:
“Well, so are we, there is already a lot of energy in the air here! To all of you who are engaging yourself in organizing events during the TEDx week: a big THANK YOU!”

From TEDxSSE4m we are proud of being a part of the TEDx community and one of many events during the TEDxStockholm week. There has been a great interest of getting a seat at our event and we are really looking forward to it on Wednesday 21st. If you want to find out information about the other events taking place next week, please look at Henrik Ahléns blog.

About Lisa Enckell

VP Marketing at Wrapp. Swede trying to adjust to all the sunshine and fog in San Francisco. And the great cocktails.
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